Welcome to The Let Animals Lead® Community

Continuing education and support for Let Animals Lead® Reiki students, practitioners and teachers.

Want to Change the World? 

The Let Animals Lead® Community is a safe, online place where Let Animals Lead® Practitioners (if you've learned Level 1 from Kathleen or one of her teachers, you can join us!!) can learn, grow and heal together, while being of service to the animals we love. Our shared group energy and intention is a foundation for uplifting the lives of animals around us, including those in our homes and communities, as well as those living in the wild. Together, we can support and empower each other to be the best spiritually minded animal advocates of loving-kindness we can be, while bringing back the awareness of Oneness of all beings to our world. We can do so much more together, than alone! 

Meditation: Our Foundation for Transformation 

Meditation is more than just feeling calm or unstressed. It’s a state of vibrational presence that calms and grounds our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy so animals can feel a deep sense of safety and comfort when they are with us. How we show up for animals matters, and when we prioritize animal agency within our Animal Reiki meditation sessions, we create the ideal conditions for animals to step into a healing space. The moment an animal says,"Yes!" to an Animal Reiki connection is the moment miracles of healing transformation can begin! This healing and compassion create a ripple effect that transforms the energy of our lives, our communities, and the world.     

Join Us Today! 

When you join The Let Animals Lead® Community, you'll become part of a growing community of compassionate Animal Reiki practitioners who are focused on being the best human beings we can be, for the good of animals! In 2025, our focus will be improving our Animal Reiki practice by overcoming self-limiting beliefs. We'll do this through: 

  • Monthly Themes — to inspire and focus our journey
    Each month, we’ll introduce a new theme and meditation dedication (with a blog and Animal Reiki Talk) designed to guide our healing and intention as we form, practice, and sustain new habits. 

  • Weekly Activities — power up each week with fresh ideas
    Throughout the week, members receive fun activities to deepen their insights into the theme – such as questions or polls to spark personal growth, well-being and ways to support animals. 

  • Live Meetings — conversations to broaden perspectives, deepen understanding and ask questions
    I'll host live meetings called Tea and Tails, where we gather for an interactive dialogue to explore our weekly topics and monthly themes in depth, with plans to invite guest presenters for additional insights. 

  • Community Building  activities to get to know each other better
    Each Friday in our Paws and Reflect group, we’ll connect as a community through activities, challenges, discussion prompts or live meetings to help us break through obstacles and celebrate successes 

Our shared purpose and mutual support will fuel healing, growth, insight, action, and resilience to experience meaningful personal growth in our own Animal Reiki healing journey and generate positive impacts for the animals in our lives. 

The Results of Our Journey Together 

Imagine yourself a year from now, transformed with clarity, courage, and confidence, and enjoying the ripple effects of your energetic well-being in your relationships with animals and people in your family and community! 

Engaging with our community will provide profound, life-changing experiences, including: 

  • Connection and Belonging to Your Soul Community of Humans

  • Inspiration and Motivation to Expand Your Animal Reiki Practice 

  • Empowerment and Confidence to Hold a Calm Space for Animals in Any Situation 

  • Sense of Accomplishment at Having Healed Many Self-Limiting Beliefs 

  • Peace and Equanimity Within Yourself, and in Your Relationships with Animals 

It’s time to realize that you are part of a huge soul-community of kindred spirits in this world. Together, we can do so much more for animals!